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New Beatles Recording History Book Series Coming from Authors Robert Rodriguez & Jerry Hammack

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CHICAGO - s4story -- Bestselling award-winning authors Robert Rodriguez (Revolver: How The Beatles Re-Imagined Rock 'n' Roll, Something About The Beatles podcast) and Jerry Hammack (The Beatles Recording Reference Manual series) will release the first volume of Ribbons of Rust: The Beatles' Recording History In Context  – a new series of books that explores the Beatles' story in relation to their lives and times – on February 11, 2025, via Parading Press.

Although The Beatles have been covered in thousands of books, memoirs, discographies and academic tomes, many of these works focus on their history with little regard to how they experienced their own times. The artistic entity comprised of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, along with producer George Martin, did not operate in a bubble: they were inspired and challenged by the sounds going on around them.

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Ribbons of Rust: The Beatles' Recording History In Context presents the band's story like never before, interactively immersing you in the sounds of the music they listened to and created along with the times they inhabited. Richly illustrated with period ephemera throughout, this first volume of Ribbons of Rust takes the reader along with the four individuals who became The Beatles, from the first inspiring sounds they heard to those nascent original compositions and covers they committed to recording tape (composed of iron oxide bonded to polyethylene terephthalate—"ribbons of rust").

Volume 1: July 1954 Through January 1963 invites readers into the post-war era of deprivations in England where kids reaching adolescence had their world rocked by the British music scene and stars of the day—acts the Beatles followed as they found their way to reach their goal of making a record themselves. And every "ribbon of rust" along the way is described in detail.

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John Lennon once said of the period, "You shoulda been there!" Never has the reader been brought into The Beatles' own world with such an all-encompassing telling. An essential companion for any Beatles fan, scholar, student or musician, Ribbons of Rust can be purchased on Amazon.


Robert Rodriguez has written extensively about The Beatles: five books so far, including Solo in the 70s and 2012's acclaimed Revolver: How The Beatles Re-Imagined Rock 'N' Roll. He has contributed numerous articles to Beatlefan magazine and has been a regular interviewee on radio and TV about the group.

Musician, producer and recording engineer Jerry Hammack's previous books, The Beatles Recording Reference Manuals, have all been Amazon #1 bestsellers in both the US and UK, and volumes 1 and 3 were nominated for Excellence in Historical Recorded Sound by The Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC).

Source: Parading Press
Filed Under: Books

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