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Author's Latest Novel Published After Six Decades

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PIGEON FORGE, Tenn. - s4story -- .Author Robert Stricklin has published his seventh book, a novel entitled STURGEON, which is actually his first book. He explains:

"STURGEON was written and shopped unsuccessfully way back in the early to mid 1970s. It was then relegated to a cardboard storage box where it languished for these many years. Last year, however, as I was doing a bit of spring cleaning, I unearthed the forsaken manuscript, reread it, and rediscovered the potential it originally engendered. With renewed inspiration, I set about the task of revisiting and reediting the story until this dusty little diamond in the rough became a polished gem worthy of a second chance to be shared."

STURGEON is a humorous "fish-out-of-water" tale set in 1972, a naive, ne'er-do-well, young American travels to post-British invasion England with an improbable plan. Having perfected his own technique for winning at blackjack, his goal is to compete against the world's foremost card player -- and win the heart of his female British penfriend. Fate, however, may have other plans. As he encounters a colorful cast of characters and various setbacks, Sturgeon learns some harsh life lessons and, ultimately, the true meaning of winning.

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Author Robert Stricklin's latest coming-of-age novel is all at once satirical, nostalgic, and irreverent, yet timelessly entertaining. Stricklin's previously published works include A Necessary Evil, Process of Elimination, Profits of Doom, Rialto: An Anthology, The Myth of Gravity, and Walk of Fame: Tales From The A-List.

STURGEON is available in e-book, hardcover, and paperback formats at Amazon.com. For more details and author information, please visit the website at Amazon.com: Robert Stricklin: books, biography, latest update (https://www.amazon.com/stores/Robert-Stricklin/author/B003ACJ7RW?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true).

Robert Stricklin

Source: Robert Stricklin - Freelance Writer
Filed Under: Publishing, Literature

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