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DonnaInk Publications releases Faces of Rap Mothers Universal & Peacock TV Movie Stars!

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Another in the iconic, "Faces of Rap Mothers" brand titles created by Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell the owner of the brand. This time, her Universal | Peacock stars are featured.

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - s4story -- DonnaInk Publications shares Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell's pictorial title, "Universal & Peacock TV Movie Stars!" This book shares over fifty-one (51) rap and hip-hop friends of Candy's who are acting as television and movie stars in her ongoing filmmaking vision for the rap mother brand. The newest of her titles is evergreen, low-content, and promotional and identifies a liturgy of some of the actors intended to be included in the future popcorn film. Currently, this synoptic series is aired through Universal to Peacock's streaming platform in the guise of teasers set to music revealing "Faces of Rap Mothers" original content - often filmed by Candy herself as Executive Producer. All artists and actors who share talents and credits as a working team, willingly aid and promote, one another reaching a common goal in comradery.

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Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell's, "Faces of Rap Mothers Universal & Peacock TV Movie Stars!" pictorial features artisans who agree to be involved in her televised series on Peacock. Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell, talented in acquisition and engagements, garners any/all permissions from her contributors - all data represented shared in these branded snippets share her personal journey toward eventual filmmaking of independent artists. Much production work identified, features Candy as actress, executive producer, editor, filmmaker, musician, set-arranger, videographer, and more . . . this title continues to share the fun behind the "Faces of Rap Mothers."


Visit: https://www.donnaink.shop for copies of this, and other, works of Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell and/or "Faces of Rap Mothers." Also, visit: www.facesofrapmothers.com, which is currently under reconstruction. Also available on AMAZON.

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Look for the separately produced, "Faces of Rap Mothers" standard titles:
1. Faces of Rap Mothers Books One through Ten
2. Rap Mothers Save the Day Books One through Ten
3. Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . .
4. Faces of Rap Mothers Father's Editions One through Ten

Publisher Note: this book is autobiographical docufiction - references to real people, events, establishments, organizations, or locales are intended for entertainment purposes and are solely permissioned to the author, Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell, who has shared she holds any/all declaration and legal responsibility. No part of this book is intended for use or reproduction in any manner whatsoever without written permission. Any question regarding content is to be remitted to the author's attention for clarification who holds all permission liabilities.

DonnaInk Publications | Beat Deep Books
Independent Author Works

Source: DonnaInk Publications
Filed Under: Books

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