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New "Exploring Our National Parks: Yellowstone" Ebook Now Available

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YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. - s4story -- Exploring Our National Parks: Yellowstone takes readers on two trips through the park courtesy of the lens and thoughts of author and documentarian Michael Finney.

Yellowstone is the original National Park so it seemed fitting to make it the first stand-alone release from the Exploring Our National Parks anthology releases. It will be available exclusively on Amazon as an ebook and Audible in audiobook format.

Author, Michael Finney: "I've been thinking about how to make the Exploring Our National Parks series more accessible, and realized that repackaging the material into stand-alone releases makes that possible."

As the series has expanded into a second volume, it has also grown into video and audio collections available as audiobooks and soundtracks.

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Finney: "I have tasked myself with attempting to release one audiobook a month through 2025. This is the first one. This collected release includes a few minor edits to the original audio including a remastered track for both the 2017 and 2018 trips as well as short bookend chapters to set the scene.

Order: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DS1HLBBK


About Michael Finney

Michael Finney is a full-spectrum content producer from the Midwest. He has explored music, audio, video, photography, and writing over a twenty-year career that has taken him across the United States as well as overseas.

Connect with him: http://michael-finney.com

Source: Mystic Waters Media
Filed Under: Books

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