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Clean Magazine Publishing by 2050

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While most industries struggle for a path to carbon neutrality, the publishing industry has a clear way forward with clean magazine publishing.

HINGHAM, Mass. - s4story -- Here at Mequoda Publishing Network, we have found ourselves publishing digital books, magazines, and newsletters as we have transitioned away from print over the past decade. I wish we could say that we made this transition to help the planet and slow global warming. Sadly, that was not the true motivation. We do believe that digital publishing (https://www.mequoda.com/membership-website-deve...) is the future and that print publishing is the past because the economics of digital publishing are far superior, and the user experience is simply better.

As a digital publisher, the most significant expense is labor. As a print publisher, the highest cost was printing, postage, and shipping.

As a digital publisher, the books, magazines, and newsletters are available to a global audience on a myriad of devices, including computers, tablets, and phones. The websites that host the publishing endeavors include not only the current product but every book, magazine, and newsletter issue that we have ever produced under that brand. I'm keenly aware that 80% of our content engagement in any given month is with content other than the current most recent issues. Our websites are vast digital media libraries that grow and evolve the way libraries should grow and develop over time. I've always believed that content is knowledge and that knowledge should be accumulated and not thrown away after first consumption.

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Let me also state that we do believe that global warming is real. If we do not slow it by embracing the guidelines of the Paris Climate Agreement and moving toward clean magazine publishing, our children and grandchildren will suffer greatly. At a minimum, we will lose vast coastal areas to rising tides, and destructive weather patterns will harass our descendants for generations.

We are now capable of producing digital magazines and newsletters that are linear, periodic, portable, and finite. The perfect digital magazine (https://www.mequoda.com/articles/digital-magazine-publishing/the-perfect-digital-magazine/) and its associated magazine library (https://www.mequoda.com/articles/digital-magazine-publishing/how-to-make-your-magazine-library-more-valuable/) is also searchable, browsable, and offers users a multi-media experience that can include text, photography, audio, and video. Getting started on the path toward clean magazine publishing by 2050 is something every publisher can work toward right now.

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Nearing the close of the last century, Harvard's Professor Theodore Levitt famously said that "The railroads are in trouble today… because ….they assumed themselves to be in the railroad business rather than in the transportation business." The publishing industry must not make the same mistake, we are in the information business, not the printing business."

Read more at https://www.mequoda.com/articles/digital-magazi...

Christy Page

Source: Mequoda Publishing Network
Filed Under: Publishing

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