Living With Demons Released May 16th

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A Dark Fantasy Anthology Meant to Give Hope to Those Who Struggle with Mental Illness

s4story -- In a collection of stories that center around the struggles and truths of mental illness, Tea With Coffee Media will release "Living With Demons." Through various works by authors such as Sasha Kielman and Thomas Jackson, this collection aims at telling tales of endurance and finding hope while including representation of mental illnesses outside the traditional mainstream lenses of depression and anxiety.

"Living with Demons" contemplates what it means to heal what you can't see and face the darkness that seeps through the world. When it becomes time to face the demons of the mind, how does one grapple with learning to live with them?

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The book can be found on Tea With Coffee Media's ( website in e-book or print.

Founded in 2022 by husband and wife team Grace and Tyler Wittkofsky, Kelsey Lovelady, Aaran Jolly, and Victoria Moxley, Tea With Coffee Media is a team of indie authors, designers, and editors who have a goal of helping indie media producers make their dreams become a reality. Their modest press has aspirations to help as many indie media producers succeed as possible.

Tea With Coffee Media
Tyler Wittkofsky

Source: Tea With Coffee Media
Filed Under: Publishing

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